If you’ve been accused of a misdemeanor crime, retaining the right defense attorney could be the difference between a successful resolution and an unjust conviction that leaves you with a criminal record. At the Miley Law Firm, P.C. in Las Vegas, I defend Nevadans in a wide array of misdemeanor cases, including matters where someone is charged with simple assault, theft, solicitation or a vehicular offense. Having practiced in this area for more than 20 years, I take on police and prosecutors to safeguard the rights of suspects and defendants.


Within Nevada, standard misdemeanor crimes carry a possible maximum jail sentence of six months, while gross misdemeanors could put you behind bars for approximately one year. Though the punishments in these cases are not as harsh as those associated with felonies, even if you are not incarcerated at all, a conviction might result in a fine and criminal record that could affect your ability to get a job or a home. I help Nevada clients fight charges in all types of misdemeanor prosecutions, such as cases involving accusations of:

  • Driving offenses — Speeding and other traffic offenses qualify as misdemeanors under state law. Though these citations usually result in fines, allegations of reckless driving and more serious vehicle-related counts could lead to incarceration. My background in handling these cases helps motorists fight back against criminal charges that stem from unwarranted tickets involving subjective errors of an officer or faulty radar guns.
  • Simple assault and battery — When no deadly weapon is involved and no substantial bodily harm occurs, assault and battery are usually misdemeanor crimes. Exceptions exist when the victim is someone with special legal protection such as a law enforcement officer, school employee or healthcare provider. Prosecutions in these cases might rely on missing or incomplete information. When someone is arrested in connection with an assault or battery count, I review the facts to see if the alleged misconduct was justified due to self-defense, mistake or some other reason.
  • Petit larceny — How a theft case is charged depends on the value of the item(s) that were allegedly taken. Where the subject of the purported larceny is worth less than $650, the theft is classified a misdemeanor. If you’ve been accused of shoplifting or some other offense relating to the unlawful taking of property, my criminal defense firm assesses the relevant evidence and helps you determine how to respond to the charge.
  • Prostitution and lewdness offenses — Visitors and locals who don’t understand the law on prostitution might find themselves in unexpected trouble. In Las Vegas and throughout Clark County, both parties are subject to misdemeanor prosecution when sex is exchanged for money or some other type of compensation. Indecent exposure and “open or gross lewdness” are classified as gross misdemeanors. Lewdness counts do not have to involve sexual activity and could be brought if someone’s genitals are exposed while urinating publicly.

Making a deal without obtaining counsel from a qualified Nevada defense attorney could hurt you. Whatever misdemeanor you’ve been accused of, I have the skill and experience to present a strong defense.

Speak with a respected Nevada lawyer about defending against misdemeanor charges

The Miley Law Firm, P.C. represents clients facing misdemeanor charges in Nevada courts. To discuss your legal rights with a qualified Las Vegas attorney, please call 702-942-0600 or contact me online.

If you’ve been accused of a misdemeanor crime, retaining the right defense attorney could be the difference between a successful resolution and an unjust conviction that leaves you with a criminal record. At the Miley Law Firm, P.C. in Las Vegas, I defend Nevadans in a wide array of misdemeanor cases, including matters where someone is charged with simple assault, theft, solicitation or a vehicular offense. Having practiced in this area for more than 20 years, I take on police and prosecutors to safeguard the rights of suspects and defendants.


Within Nevada, standard misdemeanor crimes carry a possible maximum jail sentence of six months, while gross misdemeanors could put you behind bars for approximately one year. Though the punishments in these cases are not as harsh as those associated with felonies, even if you are not incarcerated at all, a conviction might result in a fine and criminal record that could affect your ability to get a job or a home. I help Nevada clients fight charges in all types of misdemeanor prosecutions, such as cases involving accusations of:

  • Driving offenses — Speeding and other traffic offenses qualify as misdemeanors under state law. Though these citations usually result in fines, allegations of reckless driving and more serious vehicle-related counts could lead to incarceration. My background in handling these cases helps motorists fight back against criminal charges that stem from unwarranted tickets involving subjective errors of an officer or faulty radar guns.
  • Simple assault and battery — When no deadly weapon is involved and no substantial bodily harm occurs, assault and battery are usually misdemeanor crimes. Exceptions exist when the victim is someone with special legal protection such as a law enforcement officer, school employee or healthcare provider. Prosecutions in these cases might rely on missing or incomplete information. When someone is arrested in connection with an assault or battery count, I review the facts to see if the alleged misconduct was justified due to self-defense, mistake or some other reason.
  • Petit larceny — How a theft case is charged depends on the value of the item(s) that were allegedly taken. Where the subject of the purported larceny is worth less than $650, the theft is classified a misdemeanor. If you’ve been accused of shoplifting or some other offense relating to the unlawful taking of property, my criminal defense firm assesses the relevant evidence and helps you determine how to respond to the charge.
  • Prostitution and lewdness offenses — Visitors and locals who don’t understand the law on prostitution might find themselves in unexpected trouble. In Las Vegas and throughout Clark County, both parties are subject to misdemeanor prosecution when sex is exchanged for money or some other type of compensation. Indecent exposure and “open or gross lewdness” are classified as gross misdemeanors. Lewdness counts do not have to involve sexual activity and could be brought if someone’s genitals are exposed while urinating publicly.

Making a deal without obtaining counsel from a qualified Nevada defense attorney could hurt you. Whatever misdemeanor you’ve been accused of, I have the skill and experience to present a strong defense.

Speak with a respected Nevada lawyer about defending against misdemeanor charges

The Miley Law Firm, P.C. represents clients facing misdemeanor charges in Nevada courts. To discuss your legal rights with a qualified Las Vegas attorney, please call 702-942-0600 or contact me online.

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Las Vegas Criminal Defense and Family Lawyer Provides Strong Counsel

The Miley Law Firm, P.C. in Las Vegas represents Nevada clients in criminal defense and family law matters. To discuss your situation and legal options, please call (702) 942-0600 or contact us online by filling out an online form.

501 S Rancho Dr a1
Las Vegas, NV 89106
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